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DKAM Engineering Solutions LimitedUnit #18, Portmore Palms Plaza, Lot 23 West Trade Way, - Portmore
Phone: +1 876-585-3916
Phone: +1 876-648-6590

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 At DKAM Engineering Solutions Limited, we offer a wide variety of services that are sure to meet your engineering needs. These include:
  • Building Maintenance & Renovation
  • System Designing & Modification
  • Instrumentation & Controls
  • System Analysis, Troubleshooting & Optimization
  • Welding & Fabrication
  • Steam Delivery Systems
  • Piping Networks
  • Standby Generator Servicing & Maintenance
  • Compressed Air Systems
  • Cooling Systems
  • Electrical Distribution Systems
  • Power Transformer Maintenance
  • HVAC Systems

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