Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator Pearnel Charles Jr., says now is the time to participate in the Jamaican economy.
Charles Jr. indicated that with the support given to Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the investments being made in infrastructure the country is poised for growth.
“There is no better time to participate in the Jamaican economy and there is no better time to forge partnerships with the Jamaican government. We are ready to facilitate investments in innovation in all areas of our economy and we are ready to implement the critical infrastructure and to expand our SMEs and to boost entrepreneurship”, declared Minister Charles Jr.
Charles Jr. was addressing the audience at the Development Bank of Jamaica’s Private Equity, Infrastructure, SMEs, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference at the Jamaica Pegasus in Kingston, earlier this week.
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The minister told the gathering that investing in infrastructure and facilitating the expansion of SMEs are important and impactful drivers of economic growth.
“Infrastructure investment is a very important part of what will be our economic success. The expansion, the modernization of our infrastructure will allow the government to fulfil its obligation to provide an environment where business can thrive”, stated the minister.
He said the government is now focusing on catalysing the growth of the country’s micro sector through increased financing options.
Under the theme, "Delivering economic growth through partnerships: Financing Regional Infrastructure, SMEs & Innovation", the DBJ conference brought together regional and international experts to discuss key issues impacting the continued growth of the country through public-private partnerships, innovation, entrepreneurship and the emerging private equity and venture capital markets.