Source: Jamaica Observer-https://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/guava2015-01-28t12-41-21
Guava is grown in tropical and subtropical regions. Guava blends well with other fruits such as mango and pineapple. It is used in drinks, jellies, jams and sauces.
A typical guava can have 100-500 seeds. The fruit is very tender and can bruise easily.
According to Juicing for Health, one guava fruit contains four times more vitamin C than an average-sized orange and 10 times more vitamin A than a lemon.
Here are some benefits of the fruit:
1 Guava is low in calories and fats and contains several vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
2 They are fibre-rich. The more your system stays clean, the happier you will be on the inside.
3 Guava is rich in retinol, which is responsible for good eyesight.
4 Potassium in guavas helps normalise blood pressure levels.
5 Guava is rich in magnesium, which acts as a nervous relaxant. It helps to relax muscles and nerves of the body.
6 Guava fights free radicals, thus keeping your skin glowing and free from premature signs of ageing, like wrinkles.
7 The high concentration of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in guava helps to keep the skin toned, fresh and wrinkle free.
8 Guava is an excellent source of water with 81 per cent of the fruit comprising water. In this way, it plays an important role in skin hydration.
9 Guava promotes healthy hair growth and helps with hair loss.
10 The leaves can be blended with water to make a scrub that can be applied to the face for acne, blackheads and other skin problems.
Including guava in the diet is a great idea and your body will thank you for it. Happy eating!