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Champion Customs Brokers & Haulage Contractors1 Gretna Green Avenue - Kingston
Phone: +1 876-923-6031
Phone: +1 876-923-6440

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Champion Custom Brokers Limited, a private company, was conceptualized in 1979 by Mr. Samuel Scott, Managing Director. The company has over the years established a reputation of being highly professional and is rated as one of the best in business as a result of its emphasis customer service and professionalism.
Champion specialize in a wide range of logistics solution with services including Custom Clearance, Freight forwarding, Transshipment, Haulage Contracting as well as Island Courier Services.
The trust, confidence and support of our valued customers continue to be the moving force behind our presence in the freight forwarding industry within Jamaica. We occupy a reputable position in the market and we will continue to defend this with a commitment to honesty and integrity.
Champion Custom Brokers aim is to provide the highest quality standards and service to save you, our clients, time and money. We achieve this by making personalized customer service a top priority in our organization. Our system, warehousing and local transportation service are synchronized to support this vision of complete customer satisfaction via consistency in service.
Call us today and experience the difference at Champion Custom Brokers.
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