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R & E Electronics Distributors LtdShop 9 58 Red Hills Road - Kingston
Phone: +1 876-931-6153

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 R & E Electronics Distributors Ltd is located on Red Hills Road in Kingston, Jamaica. The company specialises in the repair of electronics, installation and sales of speakers, car stereo equipment, car alarms and accessories such as wiring and radio band expanders.
We are the authorised Samsung Products Service centre in Jamaica and we are also able to special order and source parts for these items.
We target people who place great importance on their home appliances, entertainment equipment, and high-end electronics, when repairing them would be more cost effective than replacing them. We provide free assessments and are, in some cases, able to repair the same day.
Our team comprises of certified electronics technicians with Samsung and several technicians who can assess and fix your appliances such as DVD players, TV's, speakers, audio systems, microwave ovens, irons, etc. With over 20 years experience you can trust us to assess, repair and service your electronic items.
We are open from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Mon-Sat, so drop off your appliances for repair and if you can't make it to us we offer house calls (conditions apply).
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