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Jahnection E-Commerce EnterpriseThompson Town - Thompson Town
Phone: +1 876-467-6989

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We are committed to help local business showcase and sell their products so that they can grow and reach their fullest potential.
Provide a platform for new entrepreneurs to launch their businesses without the exuberant start-up cost and provide consumers with easy and convenient shopping across Jamaica.
We believe in leveling the playing field so that all businesses can compete fairly, as well as provide the access for customer across Jamaica to shop conveniently.
This Is Your Business Opportunity.
Research shows that thousands of Jamaican are buying directly from overseas.
Never lose another sale.
Do You Own A Store?
Or, Are You Looking To Start Your Own Selling Business? is Jamaica’s ultimate Online Ecommere Platform.
We offer businesses the opportunity to grow and new entrepreneur the opportunity to launch their business.
Be a part of the ecommerce revolution.
For More Information Contact us:
Cell: 876-467-6989
Email: [email protected]
This Is Your Business Opportunity.
Research shows that thousands of Jamaican are buying directly from overseas.
Never lose another sale.
Do You Own A Store?
Or, Are You Looking To Start Your Own Selling Business? is Jamaica’s ultimate Online Ecommere Platform.
We offer businesses the opportunity to grow and new entrepreneur the opportunity to launch their business.
Be a part of the ecommerce revolution.
For More Information Contact us:
Cell: 876-467-6989
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